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This course will examine the development of environmental justice theory and practice through social scientific and ethical literature about the subject as well as primary source accounts of environmental injustices. We will focus on environmental justice issues in Chicago including, but not limited to waste disposal, toxic air and water, the Chicago heat wave, and climate change. Particular attention will be paid to environmental racism and the often understudied role of religion in environmental justice theory and practice. Throughout the course we will explore how normative commitments are expressed in different types of literature as well as the basis for normative judgments and the types of authorities authors utilize and claim as they consider environmental justice.

Course Code
HMRT 25704
Cross List
RLST 25704, ENST 25704, KNOW 25704, PBPL 25704, CHST 25704, AMER 25704, RDIN 25704, CEGU 25704

Sarah E. Fredericks
Seminar Course

M/W: 1:30 - 2:50 p.m.