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The Human Rights Summer Internship Program is an opportunity for University of Chicago students to engage with human rights in practice, supported by a flexible grant of $5,000.

Established in 1998, the selective yearlong program supports students as they search out and prepare for a full-time summer internship, and then integrate that experience into their academic coursework. Human rights majors can fulfill the fieldwork requirement through their internship.

Why do the Human Rights Summer Internship Program?

  • Human Rights Framework: Address challenging human rights issues while learning practical skills and exploring career paths
  • Choose Your Own Adventure: Design your own opportunity, anywhere in the world–no bidding or pre-defined menu of options
  • Staff and Student Support: Receive ongoing support from the Pozen Center, Career Advancement, and Human Rights Leaders from last year’s cohort
  • A Cohort Experience: Join a learning community of students with similar interests to build confidence and networks of support
  • Alumni Network: Access internship leads from alumni and build skills for finding internships 

Register for the Oct 16 Info Session


The Human Rights Internship Program is open to UChicago second-and third-year students in the College and master’s students in the Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice. Priority is extended to students who will use the internship to satisfy the fieldwork requirement of the human rights major..

Program Requirements

The yearlong human rights internship program includes a variety of required program activities that facilitate learning:

  • Orientation: Attend an orientation shortly after selection to mark the beginning of your program journey!
  • Recorded Webinars: Review recorded webinars over Winter Break, at your own pace.
  • Internship Symposium: Attend January's annual Internship Symposium to learn from last summer's interns.
  • Check-ins: Brief, biweekly written check-ins during Winter Quarter.
  • Advising: Attend an advising appointment with Career Advancement or Pozen Center staff before the end of January (Crown Family School students attend an appointment with UChicago GRAD).
  • Training Sessions: Participate in 3-4 required training sessions during Winter and Spring Quarters:
    Note: Human rights majors also take the required Winter quarter course Human Rights Fieldwork..
  • Learning Plan: Complete a learning plan with a host organization by mid-April.
  • Coursework: Complete one approved Human Rights course before the summer internship begins.
  • Reports: Provide two brief written reflections during the summer, and a final written report at the end of your internship
  • For Human Rights Majors: Keep a journal during the summer and meet with the Director of Practice after your internship
  • Internship Symposium: Present at our annual Internship Symposium.



Applications for the next internship cohort open in September and are due in late October. The application process is selective. Finalists will be interviewed in early November. Applicants receive a decision by mid-November


  • For help with any remaining questions, please contact Assistant Director Cliff Chan.

Info Sessions

Hear last year's interns discuss their experience and answer your questions on October 16 at 5 p.m. Register here for the Zoom link.

Can't attend? We'll post a recording after the info session. Watch a recording of the October 2023 Info Session at this link. And, review our Frequently Asked Questions below and contact a Human Rights Leader with questions about applying; their names and contact information will be posted soon.


Human Rights Leader Office Hours

We welcome any questions you may have about internships or applications, from the general to the specific.

Human Rights Leaders (HRL) are former Human Rights Interns who are available to advise prospective applicants. Human Rights Leaders can review individual applications but can’t provide line-by-line edits. Note that HRLs will not be a part of the committee that evaluates submitted applications. To learn more about the HRLs, check out our Human Rights Leaders page.

Human Rights Leaders hold in-person and virtual "office hours" to discuss their experiences and assist you during the internship application, search, and preparation process.  During fall quarter, new human rights leaders will be available.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the application requirements?

What are the essay questions?

How specific should I be in responding to Essay Question #2?

How should I format my application for online submission?

What is the selection committee looking for?

Who is on the committee? What will the interview be like?

Is there anyone who can offer help with the application process?

When will selection decisions be announced?

How is the process different for human rights majors?


I have not taken an HMRT course with the Pozen Center. Will that hurt my chances as an applicant?

I have experience in ____, but I don’t know if it qualifies as “human rights.”

I have experience in ____, but I am interested in exploring a new topic or region. Is this okay?

I applied to the program last year, as a second-year, and wasn’t chosen. Does that mean I can’t apply this year (or that I shouldn’t bother trying again)?

Can graduate students apply?

Can first-year or fourth-year College students apply?

Can I use the grant to fund an independent, personal, or research initiative?


After interns are selected, how do the internship search and placement work?

Can I see a list of past intern placements?

Does the selection committee have a preference for students going abroad for their internships, or can I pursue something domestic?

Are there any countries that are off-limits for travel?

Can you tell me more about what the program timeline looks like after I’ve been accepted?