Presented in collaboration with the Feitler Center for Academic Inquiry at the Smart Museum of Art, the Smart Talk: What About Human Rights? series brings together experts exploring some of the knottiest human rights issues of our time. Each of these quarterly discussions is moderated by Pozen Center faculty and followed by a catered reception, where attendees can explore the Smart Museum galleries after hours.
Police are state agents authorized to use violence to fight crime and maintain public order. However, too often police have used that authority to violate the human rights of ordinary citizens, primarily in African American and Latinx communities. Is it possible for the police to both enforce the law and respect human rights? Calls for police reform and even police abolition are the focus of public attention, particularly when the latest excessive force incident dominates the headlines. What is the problem with policing? Come hear Craig Futterman, Trina Reynolds-Tyler, and Damon Williams as they discuss police reform, police abolition, the search for rights and justice, and an end to racism.
Craig Futterman (Clinical Professor of Law, UChicago Law School)
Trina Reynolds-Tyler (Harris School student and former Communications Chair, Black Youth Project 100)
Damon Williams (Co-founder, #LetUsBreathe Collective and Co-host, WHPK Radio’s AirGo)
Moderated by Reuben Miller (Assistant Professor, University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration)
9PM - 10PM: Discussion and dialogue
10PM - Midnight: Reception and time to explore Smart Museum galleries