This reception (6-8pm) and conversation (6:30pm), moderated by Alice Kim and Tracye Matthews, marks the close of Truth and Beauty in the Hard Places.
This exhibition represents the culmination of year-long residencies by creatives Tara Betts and Renaldo Hudson, Inaugural “Poet/Artist for the People” Practitioners-in-Residence at the Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture and the Pozen Center Human Rights Lab at the University of Chicago.
Presented by the Reva and David Logan Center for the Arts, Pozen Center Human Rights Lab, and the Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture at the University of Chicago.
The “Poet/Artist for the People” Practitioners-in-Residence Fellowships are supported in part by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation’s grant to the Centering Race Consortium (CRC), a collaboration between UChicago, Brown, Stanford and Yale Universities.