The Pozen Family Center for Human Rights announces applications for 2017 Human Rights Internships.
Any human rights topic, anywhere in the world.
The Human Rights Internship Program is an opportunity for University of Chicago students to explore human rights in practice, around the world. The Pozen Center awards $5,000 grants to support student internships focused on regional or thematic human rights topics in non-governmental organizations, government agencies, and international institutions.
This year-long program includes cohort training sessions, peer mentorship, a human rights course, written reports, and a symposium presentation.
Second and third year College students and all graduate students who will be on campus in 2017-18 are eligible to apply.
Questions? Students are encouraged to come to office hours with Pozen Center staff and past interns. No appointment needed.
Application Due: Sunday, November 6, 2016 by 11:59pm CST
Recommednation Letter Due: Monday, November 7, 2016 by 12noon CST