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The Pozen Center is pleased to announce our 2018-19 student award recipients:

Ignacio Martín Baró Human Rights Essay Prizes

Recognizes excellence in writing related to human rights.

Long Dang (College)
Essay title: UK War on Terror

Calvin Wilder (College)
Essay title: "Precision" Strikes, Civilian Casualties, and Human Rights Violations in the Fight Against ISIS

Akbota Karibayeva (Committee on International Relations)
Essay title: Going beyond visible: unpacking the detrimental consequences of male-dominated forced economic migration on the human rights of women and children left behind in Tajikistan

Pozen Research Grant for PhD Students

Supports pre-dissertation and dissertation research projects that make a significant contribution to the study and field of human rights.

Rebecca Ewert (Sociology)
David Knight (Political Science)
Alysia Mann Carey (Political Science)
Usama Rafi (History)
Jesse Self (School of Social Service Administration)
Agatha Slupek (Political Science)
Alyssa Smith (History)

Graduate Lectureship in Human Rights

Awarded to advanced doctoral students to teach one undergraduate Human Rights course of their own design during the 2019-20 academic year.

Alejandra Azuero (Anthropology)
Course title: Challenging Transitional Justice

Anna Mahler Band (History)
Course title: Grey Zones: Ethics and Decision-Making in the Holocaust

Eilin Perez (History)
Course title: Sovereign Rights: Decolonization and the Cold War in Image & Word

Dr. Aizik Wolf Post-Baccalaureate Fellowship in Human Rights

One year-long fellowship awarded to a graduating College student to support work at an organization or agency dedicated to human rights.

Emma Perez (Global Studies, Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies)
Fellowship year at the Invisible Institute

Human Rights Dissertation Completion Fellowship

One year-long fellowship awarded to a doctoral student whose work makes an important contribution to human rights scholarship.

Ann Heffernan (Political Science)
Dissertation title: Disability: A Democratic Dilemma

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