Dear Pozen Center Community,
As COVID-19 continues to spread, the link between health and human rights has never been more relevant to our daily lives. This moment in history asks each of us to do not only what is best for ourselves but to act in the best interests of one another.
We are offering support to our faculty and students as they move to remote learning in Spring Quarter, and we are working virtually with our 2020 internship cohort to continue to facilitate their placements. We have pushed back our Spring Quarter awards deadlines, so students please make note that you have a couple more weeks to send us your human rights essays and PhD research project applications.
In accordance with recommendations from the University and the CDC, our Spring Quarter event programming is in the process of being moved to a virtual platform when possible. We are evaluating which of our previously planned events can be adjusted to a virtual space, and the types of virtual programming we hope to offer in order to supplement those events. We will provide updates on these efforts, both in the Weekly Digest and on our website, in the coming weeks.
At this time when human rights is at the center of so much that concerns the global community, the Pozen Center and Human Rights Lab will remain important places of research, teaching, discussion, and knowledge around human rights issues—regardless of what form this work takes in such an uncertain time. We remain committed to supporting the work, learning, and safety of everyone affiliated with the Center and to seeking out ways to engage remotely with all of you.
To that end, we would love to hear about the types of virtual programming and support you'd like to see from the Pozen Center in the coming months. Please email us at with your ideas and we'll do our best to make them a reality.
Wishing you and your loved ones safety, health and security as we all confront this challenge,
Mark Bradley
Faculty Director, Pozen Family Center for Human Rights
Bernadotte E. Schmitt Distinguished Service Professor of History