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Read Tom Ginsburg's book, Democracies and International Law, recently published by Cambridge University Press!

Democracies and authoritarian regimes have different approaches to international law, grounded in their different forms of government. As the balance of power between democracies and non-democracies shifts, it will have consequences for international legal order. Human rights may face severe challenges in years ahead, but citizens of democratic countries may still benefit from international legal cooperation in other areas.

Ranging across several continents, this volume surveys the state of democracy-enhancing international law, and provides ideas for a way forward in the face of rising authoritarianism. It explains the difference between democratic and authoritarian approaches to international law to help readers understand one of the key issues of our time: the conflict between democracies and non-democracies, elaborates on Chinese views of international law, introducing English-language readers to Chinese thought, and includes global examples from most parts of the world, expanding readers' perspectives beyond western approaches.

Tom Ginsburg is the Leo Spitz Professor of International Law in the Law School and Professor in the Department of Political Science, and serves as co-chair of the Pozen Center Faculty Board.

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