Congratulations to the 2021-22 cohort of Human Rights Lab BA Fellows! The Human Rights Lab BA Fellowship is an opportunity for rising fourth-year students writing a BA thesis whose topic relates particularly to mass incarceration, policing, and the criminal legal system (e.g. solitary confinement, the criminalization of sexuality and reproduction, police misconduct and violence, felony disenfranchisement, selective enforcement, alternatives to incarceration).
The Fellowship provides a research grant of up to $500; support on methodology for human rights research and writing, alongside facilitated peer workshops where students have the opportunity to share drafts and to give and receive feedback from other Fellows, through a required Human Rights Research and Methods course; opportunities to connect with scholars and community leaders with lived experience on related topics; and access to shared work space in the Pozen Center.
Dayo Adeoye, AB’22 (Law, Letters, and Society; Religious Studies; Human Rights)
Ellie Citron, AB’22 (History, Human Rights)
Sara Graziano, AB’22 (Law, Letters, and Society)
Cheryl Hao, AB’22 (Sociology, Human Rights)
Allegra Hatem, AB’22 (Sociology)
Christina Howard, AB’22 (Public Policy, Sociology, Human Rights)
Chase Leito, AB’22 (Sociology; Inequality, Social Problems, and Change; Critical Race and Ethnic Studies)
Jacqueline Lewittes, AB’22 (Law, Letters, and Society)
Micah Clark Moody, AB/AM’22 (Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, Sociology)
William Trlak, AB’22 (Comparative Literature)
Lily Zheng, AB’22 (Public Policy; Human Rights; East Asian Languages and Civilizations)