Nadia Sultana
Nadia is a fourth-year Human Rights and South Asian Languages & Civilizations double-major in the College.
This past summer, Nadia worked with Project Rousseau to confront the migrant crisis as it continues to unfold in New York City; she supported over 25 clients (families, young people, and children) in a holistic manner, including by providing academic and socioemotional support to students, guiding clients through immigration relief applications, and assisting the organization's legal services team with their evolving needs.
She also conducted legal research on a wide range of topics, such as identifying new trends in the migrant crisis and investigating country conditions to clarify the root causes of migration. She coordinated essential resources such as toiletries, food, housing, and job opportunities to meet clients’ fundamental needs.
As a result of her internship, Nadia gained valuable experience in delivering lasting, meaningful support to underserved migrant families and youth within the nonprofit sector, both through legal and non-legal avenues.