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Human Rights in a New Key Season 1 Episode 6

Re-integrating Ex-militants, Postwar Colombia

In this episode, Manaeha and Matt speak with Erin McFee and Arturo Gutierrez de Velasco. Erin is the Principle Investigator of Trust after Betrayal (, a project that examines interpersonal trust among violence-affected individuals in communities where actors from all sides of the conflicts live together. Her multi-sited ethnography spans former members of non-state armed groups in Somalia, Colombia, Mexico, El Salvador, and military veterans in the United States. She focuses on Colombia, which is where Arturo, AB’24, a 3rd-year student at the college, did summer research over. He helped conduct interviews with ex-militants in Colombia. They discuss what the Trust after Betrayal Project is, why it is important, and the nuance and complexity that goes into interviewing and researching ex-militants.