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Join the Pozen Center for our annual Human Rights in Practice Internship Symposium featuring presentations by 2019 Human Rights Interns and mid-career alumni from past internship cohorts.

Symposium Schedule:

10–10:15 a.m.: Light Breakfast and Welcome


10:15–11:30 a.m.: Panels 1A and 1B

1A: Criminal Justice (moderated by Alice Kim)
Brittney Dorton (Uptown People's Law Center; Chicago, IL)
Taylor Fox (Legal Services for Prisoners with Children; Oakland, CA)
Matthew Parsons (Cabrini Green Legal Aid; Chicago, IL)
Trina Reynolds-Tyler (Human Rights Data Analysis Group; San Francisco, CA)

1B: Economic Rights (moderated by Ben Laurence)
Hanna Batlan (Restaurant Opportunities Center United; Oakland, CA)
Clara de Castro (SUBSET; Dublin, Ireland)
Lauren Manning (The World Bank; Washington, DC)


11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.: Keynote Alumni Panel

A: Careers in Human Rights (moderated by Susan Gzesh)
Jakina Dortch (2011 Intern; Manager of Higher Education and Scholarship, Chicago Youth Programs)
Ben Kolak (2005 Intern; Cinematographer, Editor, Producer, and Director, Scrappers Film Group) 
Nathan Wilmers (2008 Intern; Assistant Professor of Work and Organizations, MIT Sloan School of Management)
Liliana Zaragoza (2009 Intern; Assistant Counsel, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund)


12:30–1:15 p.m.: Lunch


1:15–2:30 p.m.: Panels 2A and 2B

2A: Migrants & Refugees (moderated by Jessica Darrow)
Romina Vargas Bezzubikoff (National Immigrant Justice Center; Chicago, IL)
Amy Doherty (Saint Andrew's Refugee Services; Cairo, Egypt)
Emma Ecker (Alliance to End Slavery and Trafficking; Washington, DC)
Reema Saleh (US Department of State, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration; Washington, DC)
Olinka Regules Verduzco (IL Coalition for Immigrant & Refugee Rights; Chicago, IL)

2B: Organization & Media Campaigns (moderated by Jennifer Pitts)
Anna Attie (In These Times; Chicago, IL)
Lexie Holden (American Bar Association, Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice; Washington, DC)
Atman Mehta (IndiaSpend; Mumbai, India)
Noelle Petrowski (Pozen Center Human Rights Lab; Chicago, IL)
Zak Witus (Amnesty International; Washington, DC)


2:45–4 p.m.: Panels 3A and 3B

3A: Youth Advocacy (moderated by Bradley Stolbach)
Emma Chosy (The Invisible Institute; Chicago, IL)
Moises Rodriguez Cruz (Ali Forney Center; New York, NY)
Sara Matthews (FosterClub; Seaside, OR)
Aisha Naseem (Southside Together Organizing for Power; Chicago, IL)
Michelle Yang (YA-YA Network; New York, NY)

3B: Human Rights Beyond Borders (moderated by Yanilda González)
Angelica D'Souza (Universidad EAFIT Center of Political Analysis; Medellin, Colombia)
Stephanie Green (Sexual Violence Research Initiative; Pretoria, South Africa)
Briana Payton (Icesi University Center for Afro-Diasporic Studies; Cali, Colombia)